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What Is a Class Action Employment Lawsuit?

 Posted on October 18,2019 in Employment Law

Schaumburg class action employment suit lawyer

There are many issues that could arise between an employer and an employee. Wage disputes, discrimination, and retaliation claims are all common types of employee/employer disputes. When things like this are brought to light, it is often discovered that not just a single employee is experiencing these issues. This is when a class action lawsuit can come into play.

How Is a Class Action Lawsuit Different From a Regular Lawsuit?

A class action lawsuit is a claim that is taken to court that represents a group of people who have all been affected by an employer’s actions. Rather than multiple individual lawsuits against an employer, a class action lawsuit allows an attorney or group of attorneys to recover damages and compensation for all victims of an issue at once. In these cases, multiple individual lawsuits against a single employer may be impractical, and class action lawsuits can be an efficient way to process claims against an employer.

Issues That May Be Addressed in a Class Action Lawsuit

When it comes to class action lawsuits, there are many issues that can be the center of these lawsuits. These can include:

  • Wage disputes: Employees may not be paid the minimum wage they are legally required to be paid, or they may have worked overtime without being properly compensated. Whatever the reason, if an employer is violating wage laws, it is likely that more than one employee is experiencing this issue, and the victims may qualify for a class action lawsuit against the employer.

  • Discrimination: There are many forms of discrimination in the workplace. It is against state and federal law to discriminate against anyone because of their sex, race, religion, national origin, age, or disability. Discrimination can be something as simple as never offering a person a promotion because of their race or paying someone less because of their gender, or it can be something as blatant as verbal slurs or physical actions that take place in the workplace.

  • Sexual harassment: Employers have a duty to create a safe and non-discriminatory environment for their employees. If multiple employees are facing regular sexual harassment, and a company does nothing to stop or prevent it, a class action lawsuit may be necessary to hold the employer responsible for the harm caused to employees.

Do You Think You Have Grounds for a Class Action Lawsuit? An Aurora, IL Employment Law Attorney Can Help

At Khan Nayyar & Associates, LLC, we believe that all employees have a right to work in a fair workplace without the presence of harassment or discrimination. If you are experiencing unfairness at work, chances are you are not the only one. With help from a skilled Joliet, IL employment lawyer, you take legal action to settle your dispute. We have extensive knowledge of Illinois and federal employment laws, and we can help you determine your options for pursuing a class-action lawsuit against an employer who has violated these laws. Call our office today at 630-529-9377 to schedule a consultation.


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